Starting the Cleansing Process

Starting the cleansing journey can be an intimidating process but don't stress! We are here to lessen that burden for you!  Please watch these short videos below before starting your cleansing journey. 

There Are 3 Simple Steps to Restoring the Body from Disease and Illness

Step 1: Open the Pathways

Sickness starts creeping in because these pathways start getting blocked, which then back up into our organs, causing disease like crohn's disease, fatty liver, diabetes, gallbladder sludge, thyroid disfunction, hormone disruption, cancer and the list goes on.

By opening the pathways before cleansing, this ensures that all organs are open, working and flowing together so that your body can properly dispel the toxins.

The reason you hear of cleansing horror stories is because people didn't cleanse their bodies properly! If your pathways are not open before going after heavy metals and parasites, you can cause severe toxicity build up in your body and cause harm to yourself! Trust the process and follow the steps!

You will typically need 1-3 months on the Open Pathways Kit. This will open up the pathways in the colon, liver, kidneys, gallbladder (if you have one, if not no worries, you still cleanse), heart and lymphatic, preparing your body for your detox routine.

Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
open pathways kit
open the pathways
open your pathways
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
open pathways kit
open the pathways
open your pathways
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse
Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse

Open Pathways Kit - Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Colon & Lymph Cleanse


Ready to start your Open Pathways Kit?  Watch this video below before getting started! 

Step 2: Heavy Metal Cleanse
After you Open your Pathways, then you will want to do the Heavy Metal Cleanse: Heavy Metal Detox Kit.

Usually only 1-2 months is needed at this kit. If you've received any of the recent vaccines, you will need 2 months on the Heavy Metals Kit. The reason we go after Heavy Metal is because Heavy Metals coat our cells. Heavy Metals are sprayed in the air, put in our foods & medicines and even in our body care products. Removing the metals from the body allows the cells to be cleansed and opened up so that nutrients from the preceding kits can get inside of the cell to restore the body.

Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit

Heavy Metal Detox Kit


Step 3: Parasite Cleanse
Finally, you want to go after parasites for at least 3 months: 3 Month Ultimate Parasite Cleanse Kit.

Parasites live in stages and cycles. For some perspective, when I did my cleansing journey, I passed parasites for 11 straight months! They dig deep into all parts of our body and sometimes it can take up to 90 days to get them to start breaking loose from the body and get them coming out. (They come out through your stool, so don't be too freaked out. And yes, they are dead.)

Parasites are the final stage of the cleansing journey! Usually by the end of the parasite phase, the body is restored back to its original state!

3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
parabye for parasites
parabye in parasite cleanising kit
magnesium for parasite cleansing
magnesium in parasite cleansing kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
parabye for parasites
parabye in parasite cleanising kit
magnesium for parasite cleansing
magnesium in parasite cleansing kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit
3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit

3 Month Parasite Cleanse Kit


This entire process is typically a one-year journey. If you've been sick for a longer period of time, then your cleansing journey may look a little longer. But the great news is, that once you reach your desired level of health, that's it! You're done cleansing! If you continue to maintain a health lifestyle, then you'll only need to do a 30 day "maintenance cleanse" once every 6-12 months to maintain parasite free!

The most important thing to remember is that it's all about baby steps. One day at a time. One choice at a time. Slowly unlearning and then relearning the right way. It's a slow and steady walk back to your truest self. It took a lifetime to build up all of these toxins in the body, it will take some time to get them back out.

Our kits come with a 36 page instructional booklet that breaks down the ENTIRE cleansing process and provides step by step instructions! We even have a recommended grocery shopping list in the booklet! But, if you need some inspiration for meals and recipes, we have quite a few free meal plans below!

1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit
1 Year Super Cleanse Kit

1 Year Super Cleanse Kit


Cleansing 101: What You Need to Know Before You Start Cleansing

Backed Up Galbladder

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Parasitic Infection

Candida Infection

Mold Toxicity

Feel like you need a cleanse?

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Backed Up Colon

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Signs of a Backed Up Digestive System

Life and death begin in the digestive system.  Over time, toxins and debris build up in our small and large intestines and begin to impact our colon.  One of the leading causes of disease is a sluggish colon.  It is also the very first step in the cleansing process!


Relevant Kits

3 Month Ultimate Starter Cleanse
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organic apple pectin
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restored identity parabye
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3 Month Ultimate Starter Cleanse
restored identity apple a day
organic apple pectin
kidney cleanse for detox
organic kidney cleanse supplement
restored identity parabye
get rid of parasites
detoxifying heavy metals
detoxify metal supplement
heavy metal detox supplement
heavy metal detox supplements

3 Month Ultimate Starter Cleanse

Break the cycle

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Heavy Metal Toxicity

Signs of Heavy Metal Toxicity

To see if you have heavy metal toxicities check out the slides below. If your body is struggling with any of these symptoms, try the Heavy Metal Detox Kit below.

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Relevant Kit

Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Heavy Metal Detox Kit

Heavy Metal Detox Kit

Cleanse the Heavy Metals

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Parasite Infection

Signs of Parasite Infection

Once you Open the Pathways, and remove the Heavy Metals, then you can start going after the parasites.

A parasite cleanse, also known as a parasitic cleanse or deworming, refers to the process of eliminating parasitic organisms from the body. Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism, known as the host, and they depend on the host for survival by feeding on its nutrients and causing harm inthe process. While parasites can infect various parts of the body, they are commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract.

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Relevant Kits

Parasite Killer Kit
parasite supplement
supplement for intestinal worms
candida overgrowth supplement
supplement for toxin binding
toxin binding supplement
bento binder for parasites
Parasite Killer Kit
parasite supplement
supplement for intestinal worms
candida overgrowth supplement
supplement for toxin binding
toxin binding supplement
bento binder for parasites

Parasite Killer Kit

Kill the Parasites

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Candida Infection

Do you Struggle with Candida?

Candida refers to a type of yeast called Candida albicans,which is commonly found in small amounts in various parts of the body, including the mouth, digestive tract, and genital area. In normal circumstances, Candida doesn't cause harm and is kept in check by the body's immune system and the presence of beneficial bacteria. However, under certain conditions, Candida can grow and multiply uncontrollably, leading to an overgrowth or infection known as candidiasis.

Candida overgrowth can occur due to factors such as aweakened immune system, hormonal changes, excessive antibiotic use, high sugar diets, or prolonged use of certain medications, among others. When Candida starts to outnumber the beneficial bacteria, it can cause several health problems and negatively impact the body in various ways:

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Relevant Product

O’Candida Kit
o' candida kit
o candida kit
O’Candida Kit
O’Candida Kit
O’Candida Kit
o' candida kit
o candida kit
O’Candida Kit
O’Candida Kit

O’Candida Kit

Rid the Infection

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Mold Toxicity

Could it be the Mold in your Home?

Mold is considered dangerous to the body due to the potential health risks associated with its exposure. Mold produces spores that, when inhaled or come into contact with the skin, can trigger a range of adverse reactions. These spores contain mycotoxins, which are toxic substances that can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health issues. Prolonged exposure to mold may lead to chronic conditions and can be particularly harmful to individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions, allergies, or weakened immune systems.

Mold is known to aggravate symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, nasal congestion, and skin irritation. Additionally, certain types of mold, such as black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum), have been linked to more severe health problems. Prompt identification and remediation of mold-contaminated environments are crucial to safeguarding individuals from the potential health hazards associated with mold exposure.

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Relevant Kit

Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)
Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)

Mold Cleanse Kit (No Fungus Among Us)

Rid the Mold

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Cleansing Tips

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Cleansing Tips

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Free Meal Plans for Cleansing

High Fiber Meal Plan

Do you need to get more fiber into your diet, try some of these recipes!


Gallbladder Meal Plan

Are you trying to cleanse out your gallbladder and need some recipes to spice of your life? Start here!


Plant Based Meal Plan

Are you ready to take the plunge into the Garden of Eden way of eating? Try out some of these recipes!


Liver Support Meal Plan w/ Meat

Are you looking to give your liver some love? Start here with these healthy and balanced recipes!


GERD Meal Plan

Do you struggle with GERD? If so, start here with some of these recipes to help battle your indigestion.


ADHD Meal Plan

Do you have ADHD and you're looking for a meal plan to help keep you more focused? Try these recipes!


Low Sodium & Low Cholestorol

Looking to lower your cholesterol and trying to watch your sodium? Remember, switch to Celtic salt and try some of these recipes!


Low Histamine Meal Plan

Are you looking for a low histamine meal plan? Try these recipes!


Statements made, or products sold through Restored Identity,LLC have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

All information, content, and material of this website isfor information purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute forthe consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physicianor healthcare provider.

If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911immediately.